New legislation affecting landlords and agents comes into effect in a few weeks times, on the 1st December 2016. This updates and amends the existing Immigration Act 2014, not least by making offences a criminal rather than a civil matter. The main area of interest is...
You may remember that a decision on this case last year left landlords in the position of potentially being liable for repairing common ways in properties of which they were leaseholders and furthermore that this obligation was on them even if they had not been...
The Department for Communities and Local Government (dCLG) have produced a booklet providing guidance for letting agents and landlords. These guidelines make it clear that the requirement for smoke alarms is relevant for ALL rented property from the 1st October 2015...
If you manage a property that contains any internal blinds or curtains/curtain tracks that include any cord or chain then you need to be aware that new standards of safety requirements have been introduced recently. The Standards basically are designed to prevent...
The Health and Safety Executive have published new updated guidance on preventing legionnaires’ disease Legionnaires’ disease: Part 2 The Control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems (HSE April 2014) Full details may be found at...